First time buyer (as a visitor)
It is really easy and quick to buy and pay,on our web main page, choosing the product!
1. Click the *Quanity* and select the number, click add to cart then proceed to checkout.
(example show below)
2.Fill out the information, such as e-mail and delivery address.
3.choose the payment type and receipt type.
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citiesocial member
Looks like is our old friends here, plese just sign in first, choosing the product, click the *amount* and type the number you would like to buy, make sure the number and click *add to cart*, then proceed to checkout, fill out the information,with website following steps, such as e-mail and delivery address, then choose the payment type and receipt/invoice type.Congrats! You are finish all the steps.
Logging in with social media (such as Facebook /Google / Yahoo) or using your E-mail for signing an account. We made your shopping experience quicker and easier.
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